June 2024 Goals

I didn’t quite meet my writing or reading goals in May, so I need to pick up the pace in June!

Since my last blog post, I did finish Mongol Moon (great book, 5 stars, recommend to anyone who likes Tom Clancy) but I didn’t get Extinction done. For reading, I want to finish:

  • Extinction by Douglas Preston
  • Act of Defiance by Brian Andrews
  • Fire Strike by Mike Maden
  • Condor’s Fury by Graham Brown
  • My Brother’s Keeper by Tim Powers

In terms of beta reading, I’m about halfway through my friend Aditya Sundararajan’s (@AdityaSWrites on Twitter!) latest manuscript, a cyberpunk thriller set on a cruise ship. It’s got some pacing issues but the core story is excellent.

With writing, I only have 2 or 3 chapters left of Trials, want to get that done and out to my betas. Crush Depth is outlined and I’m going to be working on it – the goal is the prologue and 5 chapters done by the end of the month. And, in the background, I’m working on The Europan Deception – more on that to come later this month when I get into my first six months of book sales.

Hope everyone is enjoying their start to June!

One response to “June 2024 Goals”

  1. […] some others (mainly a few that I mentioned in my beginning-of-month post) but haven’t finished them yet. Goodreads says I’m still on track for 100 books by the […]


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