The Mystios Chronicles

Book 1: Trials

The world used to be different.

Before the Fall, the ancients transformed the planet into a place safe for human habitation. Man, machine, and animal worked together in harmony. But, then everything changed.

Now the mystios, a wandering mercenary with no place to call home, believes that he has found a way off of the doomed world. A map possessed by a local king has its location, but the leader has a number of tasks that must be performed before it is handed over. And some are easier than others.

Accompanied by a mysterious woman, will the mystios be able to complete his trials?

Science Fantasy

The Mystios Chronicles

Date Released


Book 2: Journey

The mystios knows his next task.

After receiving the map at the conclusion of his four trials, he and his companion Daphne travel to the distant land of Cattigara, where a strange power source to power the obeliskos that will take him off of the doomed world can be found.

Along with a wise sage, they begin an epic journey to a monastery deep in the mountains that is said to be home to the device.

Will they make it there safely, or will they succumb to the dangers along the way?

Science Fantasy

The Mystios Chronicles

Date Released
